Hi friends, I'm working hard, so I don't have time to upload the blog, today I've cleaned those illustrations I've done for the last Zizì collective exhibition, we had it in Treviso, more infos here:
zizicollective.blogspot.com/2010/10/zonzo-con-zizi.htmlWe had to draw an immaginary trip in a country we would love to visit.
If I could go in Scotland I would like to...
1. Meet Belle and Sebastian (I want this since I was 17 years old!)
2. Feed Nessy
4. Wear with several different layers
I hope to write soon, some big stuff is in progress!
12 commenti:
anche io Nessie e cipolle ^^
lovely work...
oh lovely! please do come to the uk then we can meet in scotland :)
yes scotland would love to see you! you could come wearing as many wooly layers as you like ....shortbread and whiskey will help keep you warm!
Bello qui! Brava! ;-)
Vengo con te!
Hai ragione la Scozia è bellissima!! io ci tornerei di corsa :)
Ma toglimi una curiosità: che lavoro fai adesso che ti sei laureata?
per te
thank you friends for the kind comments!
@ Nicla, cipolla forever.
@abene grazie!
@ Thereza, I would love to visit uk soon, maybe during xmas holidays? :)
@Lesley you are so nice! I definetly should wear something really wooly and drink whiskey!
@PeachPlumPear grazie, mi piac eun sacco il tuo blog, non lo conoscevo!
@pAT facciamo le valige!
@stella adesso disegno, illustro, fumetto e lavoro non a tempo pieno da Hamelin, aiutandoli nelle mostre e nei laboratori.
@p* grazie!!!! <3
oh yes, do come over! i'll say hi to you too.
your work is so awesome
especially liking the belle & sebastian thingy
high five
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